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Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder

Nutritional Approaches:
Fascinating Orthomolecular Facts

Many creatives and political leaders throughout history are thought to have experienced the intensity and the suffering that come with bipolar.
See Gifts & Trials, pages 12-15, in Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder.

Histamine/methylation disorders occur in 60% of bipolars. Moving methylation toward normal levels usually improves bipolar symptoms as well as overall health. See Histamine & Methylation, pages 153-67, in Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder.

Pyrrole disorder is a stress disorder, associated with high anxiety and rapid cycling bipolar. B6, zinc and other pyrrole nutrients can often improve symptoms within days to weeks, but if stopped, symptoms resurface about as quickly. See Pyroluria, pages 147-52, in Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder.

Difficulties with the sodium/potassium interchange across the neural axon may underly bipolar cycling. See Walsh/deVito theory, page 132, in Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder.

Copper is elevated in many bipolars, magnifying overstimulation and contributing to mania, anxiety, paranoia and psychosis. See Copper 171-3, in Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder.

Zinc counterbalances copper. It is critical to metal metabolism, and supports the function of such calming biochemicals as GABA, taurine and progesterone. See Zinc, pages 29-31, in Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder.

Neurological issues may be critical in at least two-thirds of bipolars. Anti-seizure nutrients such as GABA, taurine and zinc (as well as seizure meds) often help control mania and mood stability. See Seizural influences, pages 34-43, in Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder.

Reuptake of neurotransmitters from the synapse (the space between the sending nerve cell and receptors) can be more critical than absolute levels of neurotransmitters. Reuptake proteins like DAT and SERT determine respectively how much dopamine and serotonin is available to nerve cells. Folate increases reuptake, reducing stimulation. Methyl decreases reuptake and is generally antidepressant (think, SAMe). See Reuptake mechanisms and Nutrients, page 281, in Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder.

Niacin (B3) increases reuptake of dopamine, reducing psychosis and voices, whatever the biotype. See Role of niacin, page 162, in Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder.

Endocrine disorders, sugar imbalances, allergies /sensitivities, dysbiosis, toxicity and substance abuse compromise mood. See Health, pages 199-243, in Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder.

Natural Healing for Bipolar Disorder gathers together the results of half a century of research by hundreds of physicians, biochemists, and psychiatrists in a clear, comprehensive, well-referenced, and highly-acclaimed guide to state-of-the-art natural treatments.

For further information, including indications and contraindications for each nutrient, and extensive studies, seeNatural Healing for Bipolar Disorder here.

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